Meet Our New Hires
For years, I’ve been saying that web hosting is a lot like selling coffee. Literally anybody can do it: you can buy a cheap used server and start hosting sites just as easily as you can buy instant coffee and start selling coffee-like liquid. But what makes the coffee from your local coffee shop any better than that gas station coffee up the street? Sure, a huge part of it is the equipment and the quality of the ingredients. After all, if you start with a percolator and pre-ground generic coffee, the end result just isn’t going to be very good, no matter what.
Yet there’s a lot more to it. It’s not just the equipment and it’s not just the ingredients; it’s all the people behind the scenes. They’re what come together to give you that really great experience. Think about it: you walk into your favorite local coffee shop and you’re instantly hit with the aroma of freshly roasted beans. You take in the relaxed, inviting decor. You pause to chat with the barista, who already knows your favorite drink and how you like it prepared. And before you know it, you’re savoring that steaming (or iced) mug (or cup) of hot (or cold) joe.
The equipment and the ingredients matter, but at the end of the day, it’s all about the people. And it’s the exact same thing with web hosting. Sure, we can all agree that the only thing better than world-class support is never needing to contact them in the first place. But when the day comes that you do need a hand — whether it’s a question about securing your email or help hardening your server — you need friendly, professional, highly-skilled technicians behind the scenes.
THAT is the difference between Fresh Roasted Hosting and any given “dollar-a-month unlimited-everything” web host. And it’s that difference that has me so excited to introduce the newest four members of the Fresh Roasted Hosting team! This past weekend, Sean, Paul, Mike, and Aaron started answering tickets as part of our 24 x 365 customer support team. Each brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in Linux and network administration, as well as the hosting industry in general. And each shares my passion for ensuring that our customers get that “above and beyond” support we’re known for. They’ll be answering a lot more of your support tickets, and making sure everything keeps running smoothly behind the scenes!
We may not have clever TV ads or a multi-million-dollar ad budget. Heck, the vast majority of our customers hear about us through word of mouth advertising from our existing customers — how cool is that? Despite — or maybe because of — this, we’ve seen unbelievable growth over the past three years. Apparently, our radical ideas like “treating customers like actual people” and “fixing problems urgently” haven’t gone unnoticed. For that, we’re thankful for each and every one of our customers. It’s an amazing feeling watching a company go from zero to “we need to hire new people yesterday!!”, and without everyone who’s ever hosted with Fresh Roasted Hosting, that just wouldn’t be possible.
On behalf of our (ever growing) team, thanks for hosting with us! We’ve got some pretty exciting things brewing up, and I can’t wait to show you what’s next!