A good network is the lifeblood of any web host. No matter how fast and reliable your server might be, it’s totally useless without a fast, reliable, carrier-neutral network. Unfortunately, a lot of discount web hosts either use a single-carrier network or a blend of multiple cut-rate carriers. A single carrier is a single point of failure, and multiple cut-rate carriers … well, that’s just multiple points of failure.
From the ground up, our network infrastructure is carefully engineered to keep your sites online and performing at their best. That’s because we use a blend of carefully-selected tier 1 and tier 2 carriers to provide optimum routing and redundancy. And we pipe everything through enterprise-class hardware from Cisco, HP, and Juniper. That means you’ve got fast, reliable network connectivity to everywhere on the planet. No matter where in the world your visitors are located, your site will load fast the first time, every time.