Reliable Uptime: Why It Matters
The Flurry Analytics State of Mobile report for 2017 showed that Americans are using their smartphones more than ever. They found that Americans spend an average of 5 hours a day browsing the internet. As a result, reliable hosting services and consistent uptime are essential for any business using the internet for marketing. If your website isn’t up and running, it is as if it doesn’t exist.
What Is Uptime?
Uptime is the amount of time that a website is available the public. Downtime is the amount of time that a website is not available. In today’s age of smartphones and constant connection, it is more important than ever for reliable hosting services to have consistent uptime.
Search Engine Optimization
Like uptime, the term “search engine optimization” (SEO) may mean nothing to the everyday consumer. When someone is talking about SEO, more often than not they are referring to how a website ranks in Google’s search results. The better the ranking, the higher up the list. The websites that show up first on Google typically receive the most traffic.
An entire industry has been built around companies delivering content and tweaks to help businesses get their site to the front page of Google. No one (besides Google themselves,) has the exact formula for how websites are measured. It has been established, however, that reliable uptime is one factor Google considers for front page content.
How Does Uptime Affect SEO?
If your website loads slowly, or doesn’t load at all, Google will penalize you and move you further down the search results. This won’t happen immediately, but consistent downtime will result in a lower position. This is a big part of why reliable hosting services should offer your website consistent uptime.
Regardless of whether you have a business that is entirely online or one that has a physical location, uptime matters. The public considers your website a direct representative of your brand. Slow responses from the site signal slow responses from the business. Don’t spend money designing your website only for the public to be unable to access it.
The Bottom Line
Losing potential customers for any reason is enough for a business owner to make a change. You lose money when your website is down. Consistent downtime frustrates consumers and business owners alike. Fresh Roasted Hosting wants to make sure that your site has consistent uptime. Boasting an average uptime of 99.99%, Fresh Roasted Hosting has reliable hosting services that you can depend on. Contact Fresh Roasted Hosting today for more information about how to get a responsive website.