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What Is Intuitive Web Design?

Photo by Eunice Lituanas

Intuitive web design has become a major sales point for designers and computer programs in the last few years. Unfortunately, they don’t always stop to explain exactly what that phrase means. Intuitive web design can transform your website for the better, but you’ll reap the most benefits if you understand the terminology.

The True Meaning of Intuitive Web Design

Intuitive web design is, in short, web design a new user can understand and operate without training. Most basic web design features some intuitive features. A link to the home page usually appears at the top of the page, most often at the top left as part of the banner or main menu. The banner just under the main menu often plays into intuitive design as well. If a new user wants to learn about a website, they’ll look for About Us, Contact, or other primary features on the main menu.

Essentially, intuitive design takes basic design principles and integrates them with common layouts and expected features. Intuitive websites provide everything a user needs at a glance. The user’s eye should follow the layout easily. If they have questions, they shouldn’t have trouble finding answers. If they’re looking for particular features, those features should be readily available.

Advantages of Employing Intuitive Web Design

Intuitive design wins more customers in several ways. First of all, intuitive design is convenient. Nothing irritates customers in a brick and mortar store like long waits or a failure to find the item they want on their own. No one really likes to ask for help, no matter how well trained the staff is. The same rules apply online. Customers don’t want to have to dig through a lot of extra pages to find the answers to common questions. They also don’t want to have to stop and use the Contact links to ask a question formally. A worst-case scenario would be when an online customer has a question, but can’t find what they need, and they can’t find your business’s contact information, either. This is an easy way to lose customers. Intuitive design makes that problem disappear.

Intuitive design does more than just prevent customer loss, though. A professional web designer can turn intuitive design to the client’s advantage. Designers know how online customers peruse websites, so they can put the most valuable services, biggest sales, or most alluring photos directly in the path of users. Many website owners attempt to do this without a designer’s expertise, and the results are anything but intuitive. There’s a critical difference between interesting customers in additional features and throwing stumbling blocks in their way as they try to navigate the website.

Final Thoughts

The next time you see something advertised as featuring intuitive design, you’ll understand the implications and how to challenge them. More importantly, you’ll be able to integrate this concept into your website. An intuitive website gives you the power to guide customers to your favored services. In doing so, it also gives them the confidence to take advantage of everything you have to offer. It’s a powerful mix, and it’s the true value of intuitive design.


Farhan Mirajkar

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