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Mastering the Resolution of http error 500.31 – failed to load core runtime: A Complete Guide

i. If you’re encountering the “HTTP Error 500.31 – Failed to load ASP.NET Core runtime” error specifically due to issues with the .NET Core runtime version, you can follow these steps to address the problem:

1. Check Installed .NET Core Runtime Versions: Ensure that the correct version of the .NET Core runtime is installed on the server where your ASP.NET Core application is deployed. You can check the installed runtime versions by running the following command in Command Prompt or PowerShell:

dotnet --list-runtimes

Verify that the required version of the ASP.NET Core runtime is listed. If not, you may need to install the appropriate runtime version.

2. Update .NET Core Runtime: If the required .NET Core runtime version is not installed, download and install it from the official .NET website or through your package manager. Make sure to install the correct version that matches the targeted runtime version specified in your ASP.NET Core application.

3. Specify Targeted Runtime in the Project File: Ensure that your ASP.NET Core project file (.csproj) specifies the correct targeted runtime version. Open the project file and verify that the “ element specifies the desired runtime version, for example:


Adjust the target framework version as needed to match the version of the .NET Core runtime installed on your server.

4. Publish with Correct Runtime Version: When publishing your ASP.NET Core application, ensure that you’re targeting the correct runtime version. Use the `–runtime` option with the `dotnet publish` command to specify the target runtime explicitly, for example:

dotnet publish --runtime win-x64

Replace `win-x64` with the appropriate runtime identifier for your target platform.

5. Restart IIS: After making any changes, restart the Internet Information Services (IIS) to apply the modifications. Use the `iisreset` command in Command Prompt or PowerShell to restart IIS.

6. Check Web.config Settings: Ensure that your application’s web.config file is correctly configured to use the correct ASP.NET Core runtime version. Check for any references to the “ element and ensure it matches your hosting environment and runtime version.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the “HTTP Error 500.31 – Failed to load ASP.NET Core runtime” error related to issues with the .NET Core runtime version.

ii. If you’re encountering the “HTTP Error 500.31 – Failed to load ASP.NET Core runtime” due to runtime incompatibility, it means that the ASP.NET Core application is targeting a runtime version that is not available or compatible with the environment where it’s deployed. Here’s how you can fix this issue:

1. Identify Target Runtime Version: First, determine which version of the .NET Core runtime your ASP.NET Core application is targeting. You can find this information in the project file (csproj) of your ASP.NET Core application. Look for the element within the section.

For example:



Check Installed Runtime Versions: Check the version(s) of the .NET Core runtime installed on the server where your application is deployed. You can do this by running the following command in the terminal:


dotnet --list-runtimes

Make sure that the runtime version specified in your project file is among the listed runtimes.

Update Runtime Version: If the runtime version specified in your project file is not installed on the server or if it’s an outdated version, consider updating your ASP.NET Core application to target a compatible runtime version. You can do this by modifying the element in your project file.
Install Required Runtime Version: If the required runtime version is not installed on the server, you’ll need to install it. You can download the .NET Core Runtime from the official .NET website and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

Publish with Runtime Included: When publishing your ASP.NET Core application, ensure that you’re including the necessary runtime with your deployment package. You can achieve this by specifying the –self-contained option when publishing:


dotnet publish -c Release -r runtime_identifier --self-contained



with the appropriate runtime identifier for your target platform.

win-x64 for Windows x64

2. Update Runtime Version: If you’re deploying on Windows and using IIS, ensure that the hosting bundle installed on the server matches the targeted runtime version. You can Download the .NET Core Hosting Bundle from the official .NET website.

3. Restart IIS: After making any changes, restart the IIS (Internet Information Services) server to apply the changes.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix the “HTTP Error 500.31 – Failed to load ASP.NET Core runtime” caused by runtime incompatibility in your ASP.NET Core application.

Remember, it’s important to ensure that the runtime version specified in your project file matches the one installed on the server. Also, don’t forget to include the necessary runtime when publishing your application and update the hosting bundle if you’re using IIS on Windows. Finally, always restart the IIS server after making any changes.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to reach out. Happy coding!

iii. To fix the HTTP Error 500.31 – Failed to load ASP.NET Core runtime caused due to IIS issues, you’ll need to ensure that the necessary components and settings are correctly set up. Here’s a detailed guide on verifying and adjusting your IIS configuration:

1. Install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle:
First, ensure that the correct .NET Core Hosting Bundle is installed on the server where IIS is running. This bundle includes the .NET Core Runtime and the ASP.NET Core Module required to host ASP.NET Core applications on IIS.

Download the latest version of the .NET Core Hosting Bundle from the official Microsoft website.
Install the hosting bundle by running the installer with administrative privileges.

2. Configure Application Pool:

Verify the configuration of the Application Pool associated with your ASP.NET Core application in IIS:

Open IIS Manager (inetmgr).
Under Connections, navigate to your application’s Application Pools.
Select the Application Pool used by your ASP.NET Core application.
Ensure that the .NET CLR version is set to No Managed Code.
Set the Managed pipeline mode to Integrated.

3. Add ASP.NET Core Module:

Ensure that the ASP.NET Core Module is installed and enabled for IIS:

Open a command prompt with administrative privileges.
Navigate to the .NET Core installation directory (%ProgramFiles%\dotnet\).
Run the following command to install the ASP.NET Core Module:


dotnet install --runtime aspnetcore

Verify that the ASP.NET Core Module is registered in IIS by checking the web.config file of your ASP.NET Core application. It should contain the asp NetCore element.

4. Verify web.config Settings:

Check the web.config file of your ASP.NET Core application for correct settings:

Ensure that the asp NetCore element specifies the correct processPath pointing to the .exe file of your application.
Verify the arguments attribute and other configuration settings inside asp NetCore according to your application’s requirements.

5. Restart IIS:

After making configuration changes, restart IIS to apply the settings:

Open a command prompt with administrative privileges.
Run the following command to restart IIS:


6. Check Event Viewer for Errors:
If the error persists, check the Windows Event Viewer for detailed error messages related to the ASP.NET Core runtime failure. Look for any specific error codes or stack traces that can help diagnose the issue further.

7. Permissions and User Identity:
Ensure that the application pool identity or user account running the ASP.NET Core application has sufficient permissions to access required files and resources.

8. Update or Rollback Changes:
If the error started occurring after making changes to your application or environment, consider rolling back those changes to isolate the issue.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix the ”HTTP Error 500.31 – Failed to load ASP.NET Core runtime due to IIS issues”. Remember to verify and adjust your IIS configuration carefully to ensure smooth operation of your ASP.NET Core application.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out.

Farhan Mirajkar

Published by
Farhan Mirajkar

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