dedicated server

Benefits of Having a Shared Server

There are several different types of web hosting. However, there are two common types of web hosting: a dedicated server…

5 years ago

Do You Need a Dedicated Server?

How do you know if you need a dedicated server? A lot of businesses can thrive on other options such…

6 years ago

Be a Web Hosting Expert, Part 3: Dedicated Servers & Co-Location

In our last two posts, we learned that shared hosting is usually faster than a VPS, but that VPSes deliver…

9 years ago

When Cloud Hosting Gets Too Expensive

Cloud hosting, when done properly, can be a pretty slick tool.  But more and more customers -- especially startups --…

11 years ago

Order Up: New Dedicated Servers

Hot on the heels of the smashing success of our Barista Series Xen VPSes, I'm thrilled to announce the immediate…

11 years ago