Five Ways to Boost Local SEO Ranking

posted by Farhan Mirajkar on October 23, 2017
Photo by Jungwoo Hong

Photo by Jungwoo Hong

Local SEO draws the most motivated buyers, while also establishing customer loyalty. There are a few essential things you can do right now to improve your ranking. Even better, they aren’t costly. Actually, and you can finish a few of them this afternoon if you want. Each tip will improve your SEO, but they’re most effective when used together.

Claim What’s Yours

Google prioritizes claimed accounts and profiles. Make sure you claim all of your content. This action also gives you access to some essential tools. Once you claim your accounts, the next step is to optimize them. Optimization starts with pretty simple things, like making sure all the critical data is accurate. Is the right address listed? Are all the phone numbers the same? Is your business visible on all Google platforms, such as Maps? The only way to ensure your information is the best it can be is to claim it and change it.

Wield Multiple Listings

One claimed listing is good. However, multiple listings are better. Although it’s possible to over-saturate the market, multiple listings are a crucial part of successful, local SEO strategies. This success is thanks, in large part, to the variety of social media and review websites on which customers rely. You need to use platforms like Yelp in addition to your own site, along with Facebook and Twitter accounts to dominate SEO rankings. Naturally, you want to be careful with your keyword management, but you should see multiple listings as an opportunity to expand your keyword strategy rather than straining your favorites.

Team Up with Local Publications

Local news outlets and publications already have established local SEO rankings. Getting your business into their content isn’t just good advertising; it’s also good SEO strategy. This strategy teaches algorithms that your business is, indeed, local, and boosts your ranking accordingly. You enjoy twice the benefits for a single feature.

Keep Local Pages Local

Local SEO is a targeted system that favors content relevant to specific, geographic area. There’s nothing wrong with including some topics about general information about your industry or service niche. However, the bulk of your content needs to address local interests and concerns directly. The more local content, the more local attention you win. This step is especially important for businesses with multiple locations. Give each location its own listings and customize them to suit local SEO as much as possible.

Remember the Basics

It’s easy to get ahead of yourself when dealing with SEO strategy. Just remember that the most important things will always be the basics. Manage your links and keywords carefully. Use H2 titles, and always include a description for your pages and posts. Don’t lose sight of the things that form the backbone of your overarching strategy.

To boost local SEO, you need local solutions. Look for local publications when you have a news release. Make sure your content is fully tailored for a local audience, and keep your overall SEO strategy in line with local goals. There is no single, magic way to get top rankings, but the solutions are all simpler than you think.

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