Five Tips for Improving Blog SEO
SEO rankings make the difference between getting your blog on the first page of search results and the thirtieth page of search results. While the algorithm that determines which blogs get prime positions changes from time to time, some considerations remain the same. We’ve listed the five most important of these below.
Use Images
Images have a huge impact on SEO rankings. The algorithm is designed to look for such content, and a post that includes an image will do better than an identical post with nothing but text. Since images also improve reader retention and interest, you have little to lose by incorporating some visual content. Sites like Unsplash and Pixabay are good sources of public domain photos.
Wield the Power of H2
Do you use the H2 heading for subsection titles in your blogs? If not, you’re missing out on a key SEO tool. By highlighting these titles and applying H2, you make them more visible to the ranking system. Including your keyword in at least one of these subheadings further improves your ranking.
Use Your Keyword in the Very Beginning
The closer to the beginning of your blog the keyword appears, the better. At the very least, you need to put your keyword in the first paragraph. It’s best to put your keyword in the first sentence. The absolute best practice is to use your keyword as the first word of your entire blog post, but that isn’t always grammatically possible. Simply paying attention to when and where you use your keyword will help you make each use count.
Short Titles are Best
Long titles can be funny. They may tell you more about a particular subject and draw a more selective audience. However, there are two problems with these titles. First of all, long titles don’t even fully load in search results. If your keyword isn’t at the beginning of the title, many readers will probably skim over your content, assuming it isn’t focused on their topic of interest. Furthermore, the other major problem with long titles is the fact that they can hurt your SEO ranking. The algorithm prefers short, focused titles. Save the humor and insight for the body of your blog content.
Consider Secondary Keywords
Short blogs don’t benefit much – if at all – from secondary keywords. Too many keywords can lower the power of your primary keyword and may prevent you from getting the best SEO score. However, for longer posts, secondary keywords are very useful. Think of them as subheadings. They should tie into your original keyword. The best secondary keywords actually include the original keyword. For example, if “gardening” is your keyword, “vegetable gardening” would be a plausible secondary keyword.
These tips aren’t complicated. In some cases, they make regular blogging easier. Most importantly, however, things like images, short titles, and secondary keywords will increase your SEO ranking. The more visible you are, the more your hard work will pay off, and the more customers will find you through your blog.