Everything you need to know about the Repeater Control Class in ASP.Net!

posted by Farhan Mirajkar on February 29, 2024

The Repeater Control is a powerful tool inASP.NETfor creating dynamic, data-driven content in web applications. With its flexible layout options and data binding capabilities, it offers developers a convenient way to display repeated sets of controls based on a data source.

At the core of the Repeater Control is its ability to bind to a data source. This data source can be anything from a result of a database query to a collection of objects. The Repeater Control then iterates through the data source and generates the specified layout for each item.

To define the layout of each repeated item, the Repeater Control provides the ItemTemplate property. Within this template, developers can utilize HTML and server controls to structure and design how each item is displayed. This gives them fine-grained control over the HTML markup, allowing for customization to meet specific layout requirements.

In addition to the layout customization, the Repeater Control also supports data-binding syntax within the ItemTemplate. This syntax enables developers to display data from the current item in the data source.

For example, using

<%# Eval(“PropertyName”)%>

The Repeater control also offers event handling capabilities. Events such as ItemDataBound provide developers with the opportunity to perform custom logic when each item is being bound. This allows for further customization and interactivity within the repeated items.

To illustrate how the Repeater control is used inASP.NET, let’s consider a simple example:

<asp:Repeater ID=“myRepeater” runat=“server”> <ItemTemplate> <div> <p><%# Eval(“ProductName”) %></p> <p><%# Eval(“Price”, “{0:C}“) %></p> </div> </ItemTemplate> </asp:Repeater>

In this example, the Repeater control with the ID “myRepeater” is bound to a data source containing products. The ItemTemplate defines the layout for each product item, displaying its name and price. The data-binding syntax

<%# Eval(“ProductName”)%>


<%# Eval(“Price”, “{0:C}”)%>

retrieve the corresponding values from the data source.

In conclusion, the Repeater control is a valuable tool for creating dynamic and data-driven content inASP.NETweb applications. Its ability to bind to a data source, customizable layout options, data-binding syntax, and event handling capabilities make it a versatile choice for developers. By utilizing the Repeater Control, developers can create interesting and easily understandable web applications.

For in depth technical information on the Repeater Control Class at the Microsoft Official Website.

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